why is it limited to Christmas time? why not white elephant birthday party? halloween? thanksgiving? retirement party? options are limitless !!!
Mar 6, 2024

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Why only celebrate Christmas with your extended friend group during the one week everyone is busy? Set your group’s handmade gift secret santa (that’s a rec within a rec) for an Italian restaurant in late January. Get wine drunk and give each other things you’ve made and bask in love.
Dec 22, 2023
these are basically inside jokes taken too far, or silly excuses to throw theme parties. for example: tomorrow I’m seeing an old friend for the first time in forever so we can celebrate Rex Manning Day and listen to music on vinyl and just generally catch up. every october my friends and I celebrate Tommy Day, which is just a day where we get drunk and hype up our friend Tommy. Tommy Day always falls months after Tommy’s actual birthday.
Apr 6, 2024
When I was a kid, we'd always open family gifts on Christmas Eve. We've adapted that tradition now that we are all adults into Secret Santa. I have 5 siblings, three of us are married, and my mom joins. None of us have the cash money to be buying everyone gifts, so for the past decade we've just done SS. Since we're never all together on the holiday anymore, we do a group facetime to open the gifts. I love gift giving and the challenge of finding the perfect gift for someone. The surprise element makes it even more special! I used to do "clues" before the actual reveal, but I was the only one doing it and it was always a give away it was me. It was fun though, maybe I'll start that back up...
Dec 11, 2024

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