When you start writing something recreationally with no incentive aside from a love of the game And you cant finish it, love it for what it is. not every pupa hatches, but adderall should be over the counter at this point
Mar 6, 2024

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In university, I needed a really strict environmental setup to even think about starting an essay. I needed my water bottle, a good table in the library, enough sleep, and a full belly. The library had to be quiet, and in more extreme cases, I even brought earplugs. Lately, during my lunch hour at my nine-to-five job, I've been using the time to write, often tucked away or sitting on the floor around the office. I tap away at whatever I can get down, to later return to and edit. I have to take these stolen moments. I'm too hazy in the morning to write, and too tired of looking at screens in the evening. Weekends are often sacred for friends and rest. I think, for many of us, the new habit of writing won’t be glorious, long-haul manic frenzies. It’ll be about taking sips here and there, getting down on the page whatever we can.
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Really doing any of your hobbies for yourself.
Nov 21, 2024

Top Recs from @millerlite

is there anything better than a short sleeve button down with huge flaming dice on it? A camo hat that says onward christian soldier, and means it? Crystal unicorns and ceramic fairies ringing around taxidermy bears and slides shaped like rainbow trout, the midnight haven of the love's telling you to pull over and buy a keychain shaped like a desert eagle emblazoned with the word "wisconsin" on the side. No more "praying". No more irony. Do you love the gas station?
Mar 9, 2024
I always go on a day long outdoor excursion in a natural or semi natural area (city parks work as long as theyre big enough) ocean or lake is ideal due to outside water's cleansing properties. Laying down on the ground (sleeping, even) and looking at things that are far away are also important, as well as having lunch at a cafe or something with no time limit on how long you take to eat πŸͺ² dont come home until youre feeling sleepy (not just tired)
Feb 26, 2024