This might be controversial, but PLEASE bring back plastic bags. I walk, I run, I bike, and I bus, everywhere. I have the carbon footprint of Stuart Little. I bought the water bottles, I bought the metal straws, I bought the reusable bags. EYE HAVE SUFFERED! If I go to the grocery store and end up buying more than my bags can carry, I should be able to get a FREE plastic bag that I can carry my groceries in. Not a paper bag, with no damn handles, that disintegrates in a little bit of rain. I need a plastic bag that I can put in my bathroom trash can, make a makeshift greenhouse for my plants, to pick up something the cat threw up, and to put wet clothes in at the beach. There is NOTHING single use about plastic bags. Even if I use a plastic produce bag, I'm using it to freeze half a loaf of bread or to save food with inexplicable packaging (bacon or the microgreens from whole foods). Now PAPER BAGS!!!! Those are single use! Those are the real enemy. Paper bags are good for when your roommate randomly decides to start composting but doesn't know how, so food scraps just rot and seep all over your kitchen counter. Paper bags are good for wrapping books and pretending that your book is suddenly more safe now than it was before. Paper bags are good for carrying your recycling downstairs, except there's so much recycling, and so little BAG, that it tears on the way down and you're picking up 30 cans of beer, with 30 little sips still in them, like a FOOL! This honestly applies to most paper "replacements". Paper straws are useless halfway through the damn drink, but that's a post for another day. At the end of the day, I will bathe the oil spill ducks in Dawn dish soap myself, just please, let's get back to being serious. I'm honestly weary of what paper product I'll have to pretend is useful next 😭
Mar 7, 2024

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