I’m used to watching slow movies but yesterday I watched ‘Out-Takes from the Life of a Happy Man‘ (2012) by Jonas Mekas, Who Is very well known in the film community for his groundbreaking editing and pioneering post modernist experimental film. beyond all of that I feel like a nice slow experimental movie once in a while is the greatest thing to do. The impact feels like literature and now I’ve really come to the idea that film is the literature of our century, so watching a slow movie even if it’s a short movie it can have a great impact, that kind of hit that you only feel with an art piece that resonated with you. Movies like this are poetic, spontaneous, they make you question why are you even taking the time to sit there and witness them, but the truth is that the real power of art in our generation resides in the willing and vulnerability of the viewer to feel welcomed inside a piece, once you accept it is you who have to give a meaning to this kind of film, then the messages and symbols inside of it turn to you completely.
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Mar 7, 2024

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