yesterday was like a domino effect of one thing after another and i cried. like a lot. but i felt really good afterwards, and realized i haven’t cried in quite awhile. maybe it’s a good way to detox lol
i am not a big cryer, i really hate doing it and it’s like a twice-a-year occurrence for me maybe, but today i had an awful ugly cry sesh
it didn’t fix any of my immediate problems, but it felt really good to just be messy for a moment
i finally realize it’s becoming a habit as today was the second time within a week where I walked out of the theatre and just felt like sobbing—both films were comfort films
i think really is just a rush of emotions from good movies that actually convey feelings well in a realistic sense. life’s been a bit dull and i feel a bit numbed from a bad year last year with all kinds of emotional breakups, so sometimes two and a half hours of strong emotions on screen is just a bit too much, but i think it’s keeping me from complete oblivion and it’s kinda nice
anyway i always think crying a little is healthy