I've been using this workout app called Hevy, for about a year now and it's been amazing. I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to start working out but feels like they wouldn't know what to do. When I first started going to the gym, I was googling every workout until I knew how to do them on my own. Hevy has all the exercises with video demonstrations and you can filter them by the muscles they target. If you do any exercises at home or outdoors, you can create your own exercises and add them to the app. It even tells you what weights you could move up based on previous workouts. You basically create your own workout plans and track your progress. There's also a social aspect of the app where you can follow friends and try their workout plans or anyone else who you feel has the same fitness goals. Sometimes I’ll get a notification that a friend just posted a workout and it’ll motivate me to wanna go more. And the records and encouragement slides they do are pretty cool. Definitely worth checking out.
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Mar 8, 2024

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I’ve never had a gym membership for two reasons: 1. Crowded (like u mentioned) 2. I knew I’d use not having access to a gym as an excuse to not workout regularly. So I knew I needed a solution that focused on calisthenics and cardio that I could do anywhere. This app fits the bill. Plug in what equipment you have access to (nothing is an option) and it will deliver workouts every day based on your fitness goals. It also keeps track of the muscle groups you workout so they get rested properly. You can have it recommend stretches and some yoga poses, but only for warmups and cooldowns. This isn’t a good solution if that’s something you want to focus on, as far as I can tell. Free trial. $80 annually after that.
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