Had the weirdest work day where I thought the day would go one way and went the opposite direction which sucked!! But then I just turned all the lights off, put my headphones on and set a timer for 20 minutes and truly danced like no one was watching. Healed.
last night i danced for like an hour just by myself. its a great workout and the more i do it, the closer i feel to really letting loose and dancing around other people
it's also the only time i feel like i can dance to just my favorite songs
disconnecting from all external situations and just taking some time to connect with the music and dance for a lil has actually worked for me when iโm not feeling great and i need to get things done.
itโs an overall cure for anytime youโre feeling down tbh. extra points if you do it in front of a mirror. my go to song rn is losing you by solange !!!
I swear to God next time you are in a shit mood or need a bit of laughter in your life, just dance silly. I owe dancing silly my life. It will bring you right up into a more lighthearted, creative space. Try it!
on your own timeline, youโre surrounded by people that are all there for the same thing if you need something to small talk about, easier to get tickets sometimes too. really gives me a thrill lol small venue, stadium, anywhere!
going to try really hard to not say โI feel that [insert statement or thought or criticism]โ.
Because whatever follows is not a feeling, and feelings should be described as feelings! itโs a different language set than statements or fleeting thought.
i Feel [emotion]
I think that [statement/thought]