One of the least talked-about GOAT double albums ever.
I think I caught the band live for the first time on the “Sister” tour that preceded it - I’d never seen or heard anyone abuse guitars in such a creative and unusual way before that (or since).
Not a dud track on it.
A mind-blowing, life-altering, perspective-forming monster of a release. I was and have remained a fan ever since (and Kim Gordon is a goddess, I’ll go down with that particular ship forever).
When someone says “best NYC art rock” this is automatically my go-to reaction. Like a gallery showing for a new artist you can’t wait to tell your friends about. 🖤
P.S.: Yes it sucks that they're gone and I blame Thurston, of course.
There was yacht rock, indie, hip hop, alt-country and even some 70s coffee shop folk on my list this year (was I sad? Nostalgic? prepping for a podcast?) but the Supervillain clearly dominated my listening patterns in ‘24
Get a haircut, get rid of some clothes you haven’t worn in years, get a new houseplant, get in touch with the changing season, get grounded, get stoned, get in touch with some old friends, get some ice cream, get going
Friends you met out in the neighborhood at a bar or park or cafe or wherever a couple times and struck up a rapport with.
You don’t have eachother’s phone numbers, no social media info.
I have a couple friends like this and it’s been such a nice social change up. Always a pleasant surprise to bump into them out and about.