unless someone has does something truly atrocious to you, i truly feel like if you had the capacity to love someone so deeply that they could be your lover, there should be a strong enough foundation of friendship to fall back on and become friends again. it obviously takes time and effort and doesnā€™t work every time, but it is so fulfilling to simply allow your love for someome to transform back to friendship. it hasnā€™t failed me
Mar 11, 2024

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I just saw someone say ā€œwho says true love canā€™t be fleeting?ā€ And it honestly put what I view as ā€œloveā€ into a new perspective. That puppy love you get for a few weeks with someone before it fizzles out or whatever is still love! I had an extremely loving friendship with a person years ago,Iā€™d had known them for 10 years before we had a falling out and I havenā€™t seen them since. That relationship was still love though, and the impact it had on my life will never go away.
Jan 18, 2025
Basically what several others have said, but just want to emphasize that often when the timing is wrong, something else will be wrong at a later time that will make it clear to you there was no way you could have brute-forced that relationship to ultimately work well for both of you. Iā€™m happily married with no regrets right now, but Iā€™ve taken comfort before in loving the ones who have ā€œgotten awayā€ from afar by imagining how happy they could be with someone elseā€”because if I truly loved them, wouldnā€™t I want what makes them happy, even if itā€™s not with me? And what a gift to truly love someone even when they can do nothing for you in returnā€¦ it says something about your capacity for love, even if it exists alongside pain or loneliness. (that said, yes it can hurt like hell and it sucks)
Jan 27, 2025
truly nothing has altered my life in the way romantic love has. I was always so afraid of vulnerability and touch but once you start and even fail, you grow so much. Honestly, the trials of it are the most revealing. It seems so so scary but it is worth it always. And you both have to start from somewhere!! You are lucky that youā€™re friends and can hopefully work on communicating what you both are feeling in this moment as well. Maybe it does come a lonely place, but imagine if you healed that loneliness? Or even got an inch closer to understanding how to fill that void? The relationship may not be forever. This is true of any relationship. Have you had a turbulent friendship so far? If there are situations where this person tried to purposefully hurt your feelings, Iā€™d reconsider. Otherwise, if youā€™re honest and communicative along the way, I think you could maintain that stability with them. Iā€™d find ways to keep your sanity as well (journaling, going on walks, talking with [other] friends), as someone who has felt ā€œcrazyā€ in love Itā€™s hard to change and allow change into your life. But how will you know what life could be like if you donā€™t try? Itā€™s hard to force yourself to do it. Iā€™m such a worrier; I even started writing fears and desires down about the slightest changes, only to look back days later even to see that theyā€™re resolved and petty. Change can hurt you and scare you and make you look back at your past self and wonder how that was your life before these moments, but it is always worth trying something different, seeing your life in a different light. One of my favorite quotes is from ā€œGiovanniā€™s Roomā€ by James Baldwin:ā€œSomebodyā€¦.your father or mine, should have told us that not many people have ever died of love.Ā But multitudes have perished, and are perishing every hour--and in the oddest places!-- for the lack of it.ā€ This is all very lovey-dovey but I really think itā€™s worth seeing if it works, openly communicating with this person, and letting the change pass over you!
Nov 18, 2024

Top Recs from @psilocybesawce

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of all the tiny majestic shows iā€™ve come across, this one spoke most deeply to my inner grungy skateboarding man. the show is constantly in conversation with itself, not to mention its trippy as hell. i can never bring myself to binge shows, but this one ascends my predetermined notions of myself, i can finish this series in one sitting. if i were to recommend only one show, it would be this.
Feb 27, 2024