I’m a big lover of self-affirming lists. if I feel unloveable I write lists of reasons I love other people and then which traits I also share with that list. If I feel lost and not myself I write lists of things I love. If I feel I have no stable self I write a list of things ive done or felt since childhood. you say you have no real hobbies or interests, but you’ve already been writing a huge lists of things youre interested in or feel passionate about here on PI.FYI! you have tastes, interests, passions! Sometimes you just need to see it written down, and sometimes you need to start writing the list to realise that actually writing the list would be impossible because there’s so many tiny and huge things you like or do.
Mar 11, 2024

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Love this and adore making lists my current obsession
Dec 22, 2024

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recently going through getting over the love of my life (lol) and i have been trying to do this thing where every time i feel like i am going to be alone for the rest of my life, similar thoughts along those lines and end up just getting really really sad, i make lists. Lists of the things i need to do, i want to do, things i never did before and can do now. i also remember i was having a bad spell of losing a lot of my things and the breakup hit me during this time so I made a list of all the bad things that happened to sort of complain which is when my friend recommended me to make a list of the good things so now my favourite list is “good things are always happening to me” which is basically noting down something nice that happened daily and i think that really helps on days that i feel really disappointed and hopeless.
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i loveee journaling a good way for me not to get bored is to list things down instead of just writing. and you can rlly list like anything u want :). ive done affirmations, goals, favorite things,etc.
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is gig etiquette dead? Don’t go to a gig if you wanna just talk to your mates! go to a pub it’s what they’re for!
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