Extra drama when you wear a sleep mask so you have to push it up onto your forehead each time you sit up. Bonus points for the inevitable journal entry. Double bonus when you have to be up by sunrise. If your mind is unsettled, why force it to rest? Ruminate a little in the dark by yourself. Many times itā€™s the itch of creativityā€”best to scratch it!
Mar 12, 2024

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Sometimes you just have to let your mind do it thing and then go ā€œnah thatā€™s crazyā€, then proceed to turn over and knock out.
Feb 20, 2025
I clear my desk off and place every article of clothing I can into the hamper. Remove any food, plates, bowls, utensils, paper towels, garbage lining in your wastebin that may or may not have a week or two old clif bar wrapper inside of it. Anything food related in my sleeping space, even if Iā€™ve not eaten & my stomach is totally empty and has been for hours or for the whole day or days on endā€” will inevitably signal to my digestive system that there is work to be done & that digestion must happen. I canā€™t sleep if Iā€™m digesting. I also to sit on my couch with a pen & notebook & vomit or diarrhea whatever thoughts have been haranguing me over the evening onto page. If Iā€™m digesting things in my brain especially I find it impossible to sleep. Open a window, as many as possible to allow fresh air in. Turn on your fans: ceiling, desk, windowsill-mounted box fan, whatever you have. Circulate the air as much as possible. I cannot sleep in a stale bedroom. Have a glass of water at your bedside. If your situation is really hopeless, maybe even fashion a receptacle to urinate into so you donā€™t have to walk into the bathroom all bleary eyed in the middle of the night. Iā€™ll admit that this is something that I myself donā€™t have the courage to do yet, but one day when Iā€™m older & even less continent I doubt courage will have very little to do with it & I will piss right by my bedside before yawning & curling up back under my two duvets. Tao Lin recommends this. Have a bedtime & even if itā€™s hopeless & youre prone to tossing & turning all the way from 11 PM to 11 AM, stick to it. If I really canā€™t sleep, I resign myself to about an hour of wordy reading. Iā€™ve been reading the first chapter of Freudā€™s Interpretation of Dreams for the better part of 3 months now. That helps too. I am a total stiff & stretching is a total ordeal for me (trying to stretch my hamstrings makes me as red in the face as running a 5K [this is probably cope on my end, and my reluctance to stretch is likely a testament to a deeper, psychological inflexibility that Iā€™m not willing to tackle at this time]) , so much like urinating into a bedside jar, glass, or other such receptacle I canā€™t personally recommend it based off my ā€œā€ā€experienceā€ā€ā€ but Iā€™ve read that stretching does go a long way before bed. Iā€™ve heard good things about magnesium. I take glycine because it gives me wild dreams.
Aug 5, 2024

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Your friends have good hearts & they want you to come along for a good time. Why say no?
Mar 9, 2024
Meeting notes, letters, journal entries, lists, mind mapping, whatever, it gives you a reason to use cool pens/markers, notebooks/paper. You can also practice your handwriting like when you were a kid (btw did anyone elseā€™s school ascribe social status to the way you wrote a lowercase ā€œaā€?). This includes cursive which is a dying art! Something something scientific studies about how writing by hand helps with processing information and emotionsā€¦ but mostly, itā€™s just an awesome sensory experience. It makes your notes, ideas, etc. really feel like YOUR OWN.
Mar 12, 2024
and then youā€™re hashing out childhood wounds and petty grievances and setting out all the obstacles in the light so you can face them together. Pretty nice human experience.
Mar 19, 2024