Montreal’s profesh trash digger. This person goes around the city, mostly in areas where wealthier people can live and he scouts for thrown away objets.
He documents his work shifts everyday and will always update us on what everything is worth on the next day when he cleans it up.
His content gives an intimate look into the mundane and ordinary and documents the city in a manner that I lack the courage to replicate.
Who even looks straight in the mirror while brushing their teeth. To me it feels like the longest time ever so I recommend just walking around your place and stare at everything repetitively. I see photos of my best friends everyday. I know the placement of each magnets on my fridge by heart. Its guaranteed entertainment.
It feels as if I made it in life as an adult. Not only did I purchase it myself, but I made the decision to buy 2 or 3 tubs of different types and no one even stopped me. When I go into my freezer, I have choices and I made them happen all by myself. 🗣️
Feeling lovelike feelings towards strangers, objects, art, anything really.
It makes you smile and feel all fuzzy but it’s nothing that will change your life.