Because putting anyone on it in the first place is objectification Letā€™s talk human to human
Mar 14, 2024

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if you approach every conflict from the basis that those with opposing views are fundamentally equal to you in their capacity for intelligence and understanding given that you're both running on the same hardware (humanism) and also recognize the views which they have reached as being equally valid as your own given that you both can only interpret that with which you have been presented by your respective environments (phenomenology), then you have to at least consider and try to understand the opposing view or how it was reached before discussing differences.
Oct 4, 2024
itā€™s genuinely very hard for me to be mad at another personā€”unless they are genuinely being unreasonable and deliberately hurtful towards me. but even so, they usually have their own reasons everyoneā€™s allowed to live differently and make different decisions based on how they grew up and grew into the person they are, and i think understanding how inherently different we all are from each other is actually very importantā€”not enough people grapple with that, we donā€™t actually sit down and comprehend that before reacting and objecting other people i also think we need to be more comfortable with saying ā€œi understand why you think this is the case, i just donā€™t agree with you, and thatā€™s totally okā€
Oct 5, 2024
Recently a close friend (my ex-boyfriend) called me a misanthrope. I felt a little insulted, but I didnā€™t disagreeā€¦ Scrooge is a misanthrope. That guy notoriously really sucks until he isnā€™t a misanthrope anymore. Then everyone decides heā€™s better. Iā€™m not sure I agree with this. Maybe Scrooge was right all along! Scroogeā€™s real issue was the degree in which he was misanthropic (also his hoarding of wealth but thatā€™s not what this is about). You canā€™t let it control your life. But a little bit of misanthropy never hurt anyone.Ā Am I really a misanthrope? Sure, yeah, I donā€™t really like people! Or at leastā€¦ I donā€™t like most people. Or maybe what I mean is that I donā€™t like people because I have to or because I should. The sole reason I like a person isnā€™t just because they are talented or successful or beautiful or (ugh) popular. Sure, if someone I do like has those qualities then thatā€™s great of courseā€¦ But for a long time, I think I may have deluded myself that some of my friendships were deeper than my attraction to those qualities and how they benefited me and vice versa. Like an ouroboros of narcissism disguised as friendship and intimacy. For a long time, I was nervous to give in to what felt like my less personable traits, like being critical of people, or being reclusive, because I didnā€™t want to degrade my social capital, I didnā€™t want to be perceived as the bitch I was afraid I really was deep down inside. But the more I felt guilt over my feelings of dislike, the more I started to hate myself, the more I started to act in ways that I never would have, had I just been more conscious of the reasons behind my lifestyle in the first place. And I know that not everybody has experienced this, but I know Iā€™m not the only one who has. The realization that I was living a life that was a rejection of my actual self in order to protect my place in ā€œthe worldā€ was not an easy one to come to. Itā€™s not like itā€™s easy to admit to yourself that you arenā€™t immune to the shallowest impulses of human behavior and connection. Itā€™s so much easier to continue pretending that you enjoy the presence of everyone around you, that you like all the things they do and make and say. Itā€™s easy to accept someone as being interesting and smart because everyone says they are and because they are right there looking at you, talking to you. And so itā€™s then very easy to assume that you are also smart and interesting, because they are, or at least everyone says they are. And if questioning someone's merit also questions yours? Well itā€™s just easier to not. Itā€™s easy because it feels good to be liked, it feels good to be liked by people who other people like. It feels good to receive admiration for simply ā€˜beingā€™. But just because something is easy doesnā€™t mean itā€™s right. And just because something feels good doesnā€™t mean itā€™s good for you. And this is where a little touch of misanthropy comes in to save the day. And not like, hate for mankind! Just an acceptance of your own moral failings, and those of the people around you. Itā€™s weird because as soon as I took myself out of the center of the dissatisfactions of my life, only then was I finally able to honestly relate to everyone. Itā€™s likeā€¦ We are all equal to each other in our inadequacies, but then different in what we do about it. So, once youā€™ve come to the realization that you might suck and that the people around you might suck, and that both of these things lend themselves to making the entirety of your life suck, you can take action!
Oct 13, 2022

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