I love the warm Portra 400 tones, especially for portraits, and it’s great for nature too. If you’re shooting black and white, HP5+ is relatively cheap and really forgiving/versatile!
I’ve mostly been shooting with Ilford hp5. It’s 400iso so probably not meant for landscapes but alas, it’s all I had. This is a picture from Switzerland. Kodak Gold is also my fav colour film.
While it’s a total slog to drag it out on location I love going over to friend’s houses and taking their portrait on my Mamiya RB67.
Currently having fun pushing Kodak Gold 200 a couple stops. :-)
We're long overdue in thrusting "What do you do?" into the sea forever. It's time we collectively get down to what people are interested in instead of minimizing their vibrant existence by asking how they make money.