i got this 35mm point and shoot from a local shop last year, and it has become my BABY. i take it almost everywhere. i love it to death. i’ve shot shows with it, taken it to parties, gotten it rained on…the list goes on and on.
I love the warm Portra 400 tones, especially for portraits, and it’s great for nature too. If you’re shooting black and white, HP5+ is relatively cheap and really forgiving/versatile!
i miss shooting film so much )-: my camera stopped advancing mid summer and i picked up my mom's digital point and shoot out of convenience. it's fun but i miss anxiously waiting for my photo scans and hearing the tension of the dial as i physically turn it. over break i will revive my camera and eternalize my friends on porta 800 again
film attached : cherry blossoms sometime in spring of this year
especially green olives or my absolute favorites
not once in my life have i cried while eating an olive. might just be a coincidence but idk it’s too consistent not to be a cure for my tears. they’re like instant dopamine hits