I really used to hate running until I built a routine for myself of weight training, yoga, deep stretching, cycling etc Running can feel quite mundane and tiresome so it can feel less so if you build a well rounded fitness routine prior!
Mar 16, 2024

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I’m not really a fan rn because marathon training has been hell but it’s a good time to ponder and reflect on anything (triathlons dont let you wear headphones so i go no music sometimes). Definitely try going on scenic routes and change it up every now and then, treadmills feel better for your legs but it’s such a boring run not having anything to look at. Tbh running isnt for everyone either, I have way more fun and look forward to a good swim or bike ride, and thats ok! Shoutout to everyone who enjoys running though, i wish i was you!
Mar 15, 2024
running has always been go-to cardio for me but I’ve never appreciated it, always just did it to say I worked out. until recently !! I decided to enjoy it and I guess that mindset switch was what I needed to not rush through it, to run through the pain, and have fun listening to my playlists, run farther. it has become rewarding in a way I never thought of running as being
Jun 13, 2024
The way I motivate myself to run is by telling myself I can ONLY do something I want/need to do if I go on a run (even a short one). For example I only listen to my favorite podcast when I’m running. Or when I need to shower, I tell myself I can only shower if I go on a quick 20min run around my neighborhood and get a little sweaty first. I only listen to my running playlist (all my favorite songs that are ~60bpm, which is my exact running pace) when I run. Try out a bunch of different paired habits (music, podcast, just listening to your own breath and thinking) to see what works best. One size does not fit all! Lastly, when I first started out, I could only run sans headphones/music/podcast etc. i ran silently listening to my breathing, and I think it helped me figure out what my natural pace was. When I could hear myself huffing and puffing, I’d know to slow down. It took at least a year of getting in tune w my body this way before I could listen to anything for fun. i know that kind of cancels out the recs above BUT like I said, you might want to try all of these and see what fits for you ♥️
Mar 16, 2024

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