5 minutes works for my two bed apartment, if you have a big house idk give it 10? & i’m just talkin like, put ur shoes away, hang up a coat, etc. this is not a deep dive. even better if you put “tidy” on your to-do list so you can check it off, cha-ching!
Mar 19, 2024

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i like doing this sometimes because instead of being a chore it's an artistic activity. silly but it allows me to take a step away from the fear that i am unclean in essence, because i'm no longer playing myself so there's nothing to prove or avoid. also: telling myself i only have to put away 10 items or clean for 5 minutes (instead of telling myself to clean the entire apartment) makes it much easier to convince myself to start, and i usually end up getting much more done once i'm in the zone.
Mar 17, 2024
As a formerly extremely messy person who now is a neat freak - I feel like a lot of not-cleaning is bc it feels too overwhelming. Set a timer for 20 minutes and do what you can. You’ll be surprised how much you can get done in 20 minutes. Take a 10 min break and repeat if needed. I do a “closing shift” every night where I tidy up so that when I wake up I feel relaxed and not stressed by the mess. I think it’s easy to think of cleaning as a type of punishment or approach it from a place of shame, but trying to reframe it as “I deserve a nice & clean space, my space being tidy feels good” has been really helpful to me. Thinking about when you’re the messiest can help too - for me, when I get ready to go out it quickly approaches disaster, so I’ve been intentionally getting ready half an hour earlier so I have time to put my eight rejected discarded outfits back instead of throwing them on the floor. Also having a regular hang out with friends at my place encourages me to stay on top of cleaning. Having it nice enough for people to drop in at any moment is heavenly!!! But it shouldn’t just be nice for guests, it should be nice for you too! Again, you deserve it!
May 24, 2024
this is a recent trick i’ve adopted, and it’s made it so much easier to keep things organized. which makes my brain feel lighter. probably has something to do with the fact that if you’ve put cleaning off once, you’re more likely to again. also it’s just disrupting to come home to a messy room. so welcoming when clean! (huge fan of the word girlsqualor tho)
May 24, 2024

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Hang out with those suckers, it’s so fun. I was sad today then I watched my nephew eat jell-o for the first time now i’m fine.
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recommendation image
I loosely follow eric kim’s recipe below for the tuna, some marinated tofu would also work well. Then I make a big pot of rice, and add whatever toppings I have on hand throughout the week (kimchi, cucumber, cilantro, sesame seeds, all things that require very little of you and can be done ahead) For the lentils, I make a big pot at the beginning of the week and again, top with various things I have around (an egg, a handful of arugula, lemon, yogurt, garlic) I find that having two bases that are different enough and customizable keeps feeding yourself simply from feeling like a punishment while you focus on other things. ps: if you’re new to lentils, lemme know, i’ll write out my recipe for ya!
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