I like costco's pesto, idk, it's pretty solid for premade pesto.
if you have a toaster oven, slap it on some bread, and honestly that's tasty enough without any extra.
if you have a pot and a stove, I always thought of pasta as an easy meal. Sometimes I'll make it with marinara and throw the pesto on top, the two sauces do something fun.
of course, neither of those will give you much protein...
eggs are consistent healthy protein. I have two fried eggs + a piece of pita bread a few times every week. okay, frying them isn't *great*, but it's fine, it's still relatively healthy compared to the other shit I eat.
nutritional yeast can add some protein and flavor to a lot of things.
and... yeah, depending on how lazy I am, I just stick storebought fish sticks or chicken fingers in the toaster oven. it's a bad idea, but if you're that lazy and you need protein, it's a valid guitly pleasure.