Today, I kept feeling a sense of excitement and happiness, and I was constantly trying to belittle these feelings because I’m so used to anxiety that I couldn’t understand why I felt like this even though I have so many things that are stressing me out at the moment in my life, I have responsibilities and deadlines and people that I have to respond to.
You know what?
How ungrateful of me to discard these emotions just because I, on the surface, don’t have a reason to feel them. I don’t need always a reason to feel how I feel.
I think I just learned that I can allow myself to simply acknowledge emotions as they are.
I’m trained to dig deeper when it comes to pain, to understand myself more, and to understand how I can better myself.
I was never trained to just feel happiness and let myself embrace it.
I can feel a cycle breaking and it’s so freeing, I can feel that I’m growing and evolving.
And I’m grateful.
So please, know that you don’t need a reason to be happy, you don’t have to justify to yourself every single good feeling that comes up.