Despite my past fears, I have spent the last year leaning to love bugs. Researching bugs and looking for them on my walks and noticing noticing noticing. Things are less scary when they arenโ€™t unknown! The world is more beautiful when you appreciate the things that make it work! To be alive is to be in community with the wild world around us! Bugs are cool!

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Related Recs

When is the last time you sat down outside and watched some bugs? Theyโ€™re small and beautiful and make the world go round. Some of my favorite childhood memories include turning over rocks in the desert, looking for centipedes and scorpions with my dad. I highly recommend watching some bugs go about their day; bees and ants are especially enthralling.
Dec 21, 2023

Top Recs from @andbettywhenyoucallme

Kiss your partner on the forehead! Kiss your friends on the forehead! Their whole personhood is just below the surface reeling and thinking and feeling! Press yourself close to who they are and make them feel loved!
Being so enamored with your friends that platonic becomes blurry. Being adults and knowing nothing has to happen. Thinking about your friends before bed and when you wake up and wishing them well. Brunch and random texts and โ€˜made me think of you.โ€™ Let yourself love deeply! Let yourself love in a way that confuses others!