sadly dunno any monkey conservation organizations :c but i know of some ape ones !! 🦍🦧
- dian fossey gorilla fund
- the borneo orangutan survival foundation
extra informaysh and background on da aforementioned organizayshes
- the dian fossey gorilla fund was founded by iconic primatologist, dian fossey, who extensively studied the behaviors, interactions, and social structures of mountain gorillas in rwanda ||:8) not only did she contribute new knowledge about gorillas but she also played a very big role to the survival of mountain gorillas via "active conservation" methods such as census counting the gorillas, destroying traps, and warding off poachers (queen literally threatened the poachers w/ witchcraft 🧙🏽♀️); at present, the organization strives to continue fossey's work of protecting gorillas and their forests
- the borneo orangutan survival foundation takes care of orphaned orangutans and works towards rehabilitating them so they may be equipped w/ the survival skills they need before being released back into the wild !! if you know the show orangutan jungle school, this is their organization :3