watch this space for more orangutan and orangutan-related content also… avoid using products with palm oil in order to help save these lil guys habitat. do it for the planet. do it for me. do it for mr hella stupid 🥹
recommendation image
Mar 22, 2024

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sadly dunno any monkey conservation organizations :c but i know of some ape ones !! 🦍🦧 - dian fossey gorilla fund - the borneo orangutan survival foundation extra informaysh and background on da aforementioned organizayshes - the dian fossey gorilla fund was founded by iconic primatologist, dian fossey, who extensively studied the behaviors, interactions, and social structures of mountain gorillas in rwanda ||:8) not only did she contribute new knowledge about gorillas but she also played a very big role to the survival of mountain gorillas via "active conservation" methods such as census counting the gorillas, destroying traps, and warding off poachers (queen literally threatened the poachers w/ witchcraft 🧙🏽‍♀️); at present, the organization strives to continue fossey's work of protecting gorillas and their forests - the borneo orangutan survival foundation takes care of orphaned orangutans and works towards rehabilitating them so they may be equipped w/ the survival skills they need before being released back into the wild !! if you know the show orangutan jungle school, this is their organization :3
Aug 25, 2024

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This was one of my new years resolutions: creating more stuff and not being satisfied by simply consuming media, art, coffee etc. I felt like I was floundering and too caught up with work to really find the time to explore this side. I should also preface this by saying I'm definitely not someone who identifies as a creative person. However, pi.fyi has been a cool way to do this with no risk or fear. Sure, my posts are dumb jokes and it's completely meaningless but it makes me feel alright and it's fun to interact with you freaks. thank u friends <3
Mar 26, 2024
this guy threw a cigarette butt into a flower bed i tried to give him a concussion via dark karmic debt
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