I have like 10 I think? i chose a few of them for meaningful reasons, and then a couple because I liked an artists flash. I think when it comes to choosing I wouldn’t worry too much. Obviously you don’t want something you’ll really regret on your body, but mostly I sort of forget they’re there and they’ve just become part of my skin in my mind. I haven’t got a new one in a few years because they’re so expensive, and also because I’m chronically ill and tattoos are literally open wounds. It takes your body weeks to fully heal and recover, and your immune system takes a hit during that time. So if I want to get a tattoo I‘d have to clear a good week or so to make sure Im giving my body time to heal. I think this is something non-chronically ill people should probably think more about too! People getting tattoos and then going out or living as busily as normal, you’re more likely to get ill and tired. So take care of yourself, don’t drink, and eat lots! When it comes to pain, I didn’t find them that painful in the moment (but I have a high threshold because of daily pain: see above re chronic illness haha). I found ones around my stomach harder because they tickled which I find uncomfortable. I was able to fall asleep during my big leg one, and found them to be quite meditative as they drive your focus to one thing. A couple of them did lead to illness flare ups a couple days later which were more annoying.
Mar 24, 2024

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I have 6, all fine linework except for a trad style convo heart on my upper thigh. I love hand poke from professionals - it’s super intimate and a lot of the artists I followed when I lived in Austin almost exclusively did hand poke work instead of machine. they are not blown out and have not faded :-) I think long and hard about placement, but I just get stuff I want from artists I love. Not everything has to have A Deep Meaning. My faves are a pear on my right forearm (stranger: why the pear? me: I love pears), “form” on the back of my left arm, and the lightbulb eye from Picasso’s Guernica above the inside of my right elbow. tattoos are sexy as hell, and I plan to keep collecting them for the rest of my life. The pain to me usually feels like someone scratching a sunburn - worst was my finger since it’s close to bone and the convo heart since the artist went IN! it can be really bad or very tolerable, but I have genuinely enjoyed talking to all of the artists who have given me their work and just focus on the overall experience ✹ the more shading/color, the more it’s gonna hurt and the more intensive the healing process
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i think i have 9 at this point? honestly babe you only get one body during your time on earth so you might as well do what you want with it. have a favorite band? get a symbol of them put on your body forever. a favorite painting? steal that shit and put it on your arm. none of mine have very deep meaning but that’s okay because i like them. i just think they look neat! that’s how you decide, just take up all the space on your skin with shit you think looks cool. the pain depends on the part of the body; i think my most painful was my thigh and my least painful was probably the back of my calf. also color tats hurt a bit more than black so be conscious of that. and i would definitely get another. they’re absolutely addicting.
Mar 24, 2024
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last time i counted (like a year ago) i had a little over 30 tats! all ranging from 1in long to my biggest being around 6in my pieces are a combination of flash pieces from artists i love that caught my eye as well as a few meaningful ones. personally, i don't get put off by the idea of permanence that comes with tattoos nor would i say i'm an indecisive person which helps mitigate a lot of concerns that people would have about getting tattoos (not to say that being worried about the permanence or being indecisive is a bad thing!) in terms of location, there's no rhyme or reason for my choices tbh but if i am indecisive, i typically asked my artist for suggestions! pain wise most of them were completely fine except for the one on my lower back...  it wasn't so much the tattooing that was the pain but rather the fact that i was hunched over for a few hours and it hurt my neck and upper back :P and im getting my biggest piece done so far soon! super excited for it as its a blast over and is a huuuge back piece of an ornate wrought iron gate <3
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