I have 6, all fine linework except for a trad style convo heart on my upper thigh. I love hand poke from professionals - itā€™s super intimate and a lot of the artists I followed when I lived in Austin almost exclusively did hand poke work instead of machine. they are not blown out and have not faded :-) I think long and hard about placement, but I just get stuff I want from artists I love. Not everything has to have A Deep Meaning. My faves are a pear on my right forearm (stranger: why the pear? me: I love pears), ā€œformā€ on the back of my left arm, and the lightbulb eye from Picassoā€™s Guernica above the inside of my right elbow. tattoos are sexy as hell, and I plan to keep collecting them for the rest of my life. The pain to me usually feels like someone scratching a sunburn - worst was my finger since itā€™s close to bone and the convo heart since the artist went IN! it can be really bad or very tolerable, but I have genuinely enjoyed talking to all of the artists who have given me their work and just focus on the overall experience āœØ the more shading/color, the more itā€™s gonna hurt and the more intensive the healing process
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Mar 25, 2024

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I have 16. Mostly I just have worked with good artists and told them roughly what I want and turn them loose and fill in spots. They all hurt, my elbow was not pleasant but the bony part of my forearm was my personal worst. Itā€™s been a year since I got one but Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get more sometime.
Mar 25, 2024
i think i have 9 at this point? honestly babe you only get one body during your time on earth so you might as well do what you want with it. have a favorite band? get a symbol of them put on your body forever. a favorite painting? steal that shit and put it on your arm. none of mine have very deep meaning but thatā€™s okay because i like them. i just think they look neat! thatā€™s how you decide, just take up all the space on your skin with shit you think looks cool. the pain depends on the part of the body; i think my most painful was my thigh and my least painful was probably the back of my calf. also color tats hurt a bit more than black so be conscious of that. and i would definitely get another. theyā€™re absolutely addicting.
Mar 24, 2024
I have somewhere between 10-15 (lol I often forget about the ones off my arm and leg, plus itā€™s tough to quantity the huge, multi-session effort progressing down my leg). I havenā€™t gotten anything in a few years and really want to change that soon, but my artist moved to Tucson and thatā€™s gonna be a whole thingā€¦ At least the places I have them, I havenā€™t found them that painful. Worst thing I did was two days in a row starting my thigh piece since my artist and I both traveled to do it. Felt horrible beating up the same area two days in a row! But otherwise itā€™s been pretty mellow and I think I actually fell asleep when I had something down on my tricep years ago. My favorite thing has been working primarily with one artist over the course of about 10 years. Sheā€™s so cool and intimidating (to me), but also such a nice person and a skilled painter. Sheā€™s done several pieces on my arm, in addition to the large color piece on my leg (my only color, otherwise all black and gray). Her name is Dia Moeller since Iā€™m always happy to give her more business (sheā€™s hard to book with, but also does beautiful watercolors and drawings, bought several in 2020 to keep tatting my apartment while I couldnā€™t work on my body).
Mar 24, 2024

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being sincere is in, thinking youā€™re always the most interesting person in the room is OUT. take the opportunity to learn from this random human you have crossed paths with at the function. make a big impact with a little, casual convo. what are they into? how did they get into their line of work? what did they eat that day? what is their biggest fear? (lol) small talk is only shallow if you let it be. tell someone working in a super busy place that theyā€™re doing great and you hope they get a breather soon. compliment an outfit you like when you see it. tell someone when you notice their beautiful smile. quick interactions =/= insignificant
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very satisfying to prolong the life of things in a world where not very many things are made to last. just applied renovating cream to my blundstones. cleaning my car, sewing up holes or tears in clothing, trimming the wicks of candles, and using slip-on covers for old books fall into this category too
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