me and my friend who shall remain nameless have a shared note in the notes app where we log our dreams. we've been doing this for a few weeks now, and it's a great way to keep track of my own subconscious and learn more about my friend. one day i texted my friend "hey you have pretty violent dreams" and they were like "yeah" and i was like "how do you differentiate between dreams and nightmares" and their exact words were "I win in dream" [sic] and that's the hardest text i've ever read
Mar 25, 2024

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There’s this website my friend recommended me where people share their dreams. (Linked on this recc). But it’s also nice to hear online friends share their dreams so vividly. I’ve this mate online that always recounts his dreams for us… it’s like a public dream journal. I hardly dream so it’s nice to read about them.
Feb 11, 2024
first thing i do when i wake up is remember what i dreamed last night and write it down in the notes app, i try to give as much detail as possible. the when a few days/weeks/months have past i read what ive written down and just start lmao-ing bc it is genuinely the craziest sht. its really fun
May 20, 2024
I notice a legitimate difference in my dreams when I’m in the habit of writing them down. they don’t change necessarily, but their hold on me does if that makes sense? I keep a little notebook and pen on my nightstand and as soon as I wake up I scribble down whatever I can remember. nightmares are normal occurrences! dreaming about death can be jarring but isn’t necessarily a warning sign of anything. sorry that’s happening tho 💖
Oct 26, 2024

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