"People in LA suck".. the people u speak of are not native LA gals... I feel like influencer culture has literally taken over it sucks ): It's such a different place than it used to be.
Mar 26, 2024

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inspired by mdoinurmom 's post about visiting the west coast (glad u enjoyed ur stay btw!!) given how 10 year and 20 year nostalgia cycles work with coast envy, it seems that, in conjunction with everybody's dream city shifting from los angeles to new york city, the ire has shifted from people saying la isn't all it's cracked up to be to saying the same about new york. which obviously gives me an excuse to talk about one of my favorite topics: what california is actually like™️©️®️ now obviously, every place has its problems. however, as someone who's lived here my whole life, i can tell you the people who give this place the worst impression to others are usually transplants who came for very shallow reasons ("get rich quick" type stuff). i've heard friends of mine on the east coast say that it's pretty similar with gentrifiers who come over there for similar reasons generally, unlikable people flock to other unlikeable people, because said people came for similar reasons. so their impression of la (or anywhere they go) is social climbers & fake people bc that's who they are, what they came to do, and who they surround themselves with meanwhile, irl, that is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of what california is actually like. both bc that experience doesn't reflect most regular california natives, but also the fact that california, even just southern california by proxy, is HUGE. there are so many different micro cultures depending on where you go, going to a different city can sometimes feel like going to a different country. the differences between northern california and southern california in particular are staggering n ee waze i'm biased obviously but i love this place, i've been here my whole life and i'll stay until my ashes wash away into the sea (genuine emotion up there ^^. gross)
May 6, 2024
sorta a weird rec but as a born and bread easter coast city cad and self identified (although widely disputed) new englander, i feel like i was always opposed to the west coast bc i felt like it was for posers and rich people but idk something flipped in my brain recently. this isn’t even a rec atp but i think that for a while la was the it city and so i never wanted to go bc nyc was for real people (wtv that means) and now that nyc is the cool city (at least on certain digital spaces) ive become more atuned to things that i dismissed in the past. like people are try hards and social climbers and a little performativly high maintenance. anyway my point is is that i spent the last week in socal and found it very refreshing! i don’t think socal is flawless or devoid of the same issues the city has but people feel a little more free to be ambitious. like socal really bodied with their whole city of dreams thing. k enough being honest on the internet for now.
Apr 29, 2024
Being in LA is like living in constant dystopia. It’s a multitude of pockets of both good and bad. My experience is a love/hate relationship, but you learn so much about yourself just existing in this space. It’s not home for me, but I’m glad to have stopped by.
May 29, 2024

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