Wings of Desire (Wenders, 1987.)
Funeral Parade of Roses (Matsumoto, 1969.)
Long Day’s Journey into Night (Gan, 2018.)
Punch Drunk Love (Anderson, 2002.)
Taking my cue from mouse's list otherwise I'd be here all day reccing.
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya - craft wise, it might be the greatest animated film of all time. Tossup with Akira and The Lion King.
Sorcerer - a bunch of sweaty dudes transport unstable TNT in a big truck. When I think of cinema, I think of this.
While You Were Sleeping - I don't like Christmas movies but I watch this every year (and The Muppet Christmas Carol). God-tier romcom.
Children of Men - What can I say man. Grounded sci-fi that gives me chills and makes me cry every time.
Toy Story - Watched this over and over as a kid. First feature-length CG movie and it still hits.
A Hidden Life - Bring tissues.
The Pink Panther - This is a whole series of slapstick comedy films staring Peter Sellers. I love Steve Martin but his reboots ain't it.
Sound of My Voice - Indie film about infiltrating a cult. Formative for me.
The Hunger - David Bowie is a vampire. What else do you need to know?
Harakiri - Good place to start as any for samurai movies.
That was so hard.
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