I work alone on the computer all day and try to discover different music because it stimulates me while I mindlessly code. I think I have posted on it here before but since August, when I was in a similar headspace, I've tried to listen to 2-4 albums a day, no repeats, while I work and keep track of it in a RateYourMusic List.
I get the albums I listen to from a variety of sources. RYM has a pretty cool list of the highest rated albums on the site and you can play with the filters to change the genre or timeframe, for example "the best cloud rap album from 2016", and pick out something from that. I also did a challenge a few years ago where I made a spreadsheet the "Rolling Stone Top 500 Albums of All Time" and picked a few at random everyday for a couple months. Theres other good sources with lists like Pitchfork, the Quietus, Stereogum, Small Albums, Aquarium Drunkard, and so on that you could work through too.
I also really like checking out the "Artist Playlists" on Spotify for people I like because they turn me on to cool stuff that inspired their music. Here are some good ones from Hania Rani, Wednesday, and Caroline Polachek.
Finally, there are a number of folks on twitter and instagram with good taste like margeaux, yellow button, and people from the podcast Endless scroll who all have good playlists as well as podcasts and/or videos you can check out.