The trap house toilet was in a dire state; it had clogged and the waste was building up as more unconscientious inebriated men had their way with it. The family maid of our gracious host had a horror show waiting for her when she visited this apartment the next morning.
I stepped out into the dark side yard to smoke a cigarette and he followed me; without warning, he unzipped his fly, whipped out his appendage, and began pissing right next to my feet. I felt almost as if I were witnessing a dog marking its territory; curiously, I glanced down momentarily at the source of the steady stream, squinting and struggling to make any details out in the nonexistent light. I frowned—hoping he hadn’t noticed that he successfully made me look—then lifted my still narrowed eyes back up to continue staring into middle distance as I took another drag. He shook it out, zipped back up, and lit his own cigarette to smoke alongside me.