I adopted my dog the week before I graduated undergrad. She lived at the shelter I was working at and I fell in love. She had major leash reactivity so I would come early and stay late to make sure she was walked. I did a ton of training with her, had to pay for a knee surgery, and sought out a yard for her to relax in. I didn’t fully know what I was getting myself in to, but I would choose her over and over again. She’s the sweetest girl and taught me so much.
Things to consider: don’t get a high energy breed if you’re not super active. It can lead to behavioral issues because they’re not releasing that energy or using their brains.
Think about size. Bigger is going to be more expensive, but tbh all breeds have their issues. Smaller dogs generally live longer than big as well. You’ll need to ongoing give them meds to prevent flea/tick/heartworm and it’s 100% worth it. Yearly appointments are a couple hundred. Pet insurance is pretty cheap and worth it (re: knee surgery).
Training and socialization are a MUST. If I remember correctly I did some classes with my other dog when she was a puppy that weren‘t too expensive. It’s much easier to teach a dog good behaviors from the get go vs training bad ones out of them (re: leash reactivity). Some times you don’t know how a dog is going to fully be until you have them, but then you're committed. Which brings me to my last point- give them time to decompress. It can take months.
Here are my two cutie patootie doggies!!! GO FOR IT!!! It’s so worth it!