Tomorrow I get to go to a local market and I’m so excited. Never underestimate a market day, even if you spend the whole day browsing it is such a whimsical and joyous experience.
my day is going great rn not only did i not have to go to work because today was really slow but im also going to the vintage store instead!! i have no money but i can still look around
Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it. Don't wait for it. Just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot black coffee.
love this feeling... i cant wait for the day to pass and go to bed but not really being able to cause i'm too excited for the next day’s activities to come…
feeling like a kid the night before a school trip again! this childlike wonder rarely appears in adulthood i fear
Sometimes I recommend being a hater. I’m not here to talk about the numerous quality uses of AI, how often it is actually used nor am I here to critique AI without strawmanning it. I don’t care if I strawman an account of AI because I genuinely despise the way most people use AI. I think AI generated images are ugly. I think that AI cannot hold a half decent conversation. I’m completely avoidant when it comes to showing AI my writing; I’ve never done it and I refuse to. I hate when you go to that one poetry website and there is AI “analysis” there, because its not real textual analysis and it upholds a certain contextualised intentionalist framework of reading a text reinforced in high school English. I hate that the meta AI will influence what products will be advertised to you. I don’t care if it’s the future. I genuinely love being called a dinosaur because I hate AI.
When we let go of the fear we hold towards the smallest creatures of our environment, and learn how to immerse ourself in an instance of nature rather than making an instance of nature our own, we learn to truly be alive. Bugs are great because you can’t own them, but you can admire their beauty. #bugnation2024