Always nice to receive recommendations based on what they think would look great on you, and even better when they’re looking to sell some of their pieces and you get the homie discount! Plus you save them the trouble of selling them thru Grailed or some shit Just today I bought these black corduroy pants from one of my best friends in town and he let me have them for so cheap compared to what he paid for 🥹 I do need the waist taken in tho lol
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Mar 30, 2024

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My friend Charlotte and I have a text thread dedicated to embarrassing selfies with ill-fitting secondhand online purchases and affirmation of inspired fits. If you convince yourself you can pull off a pair of 80s women’s Adidas track pants from Russia and they turn out to be unsurprisingly tight on the crotch and too short, but no one knows about it, did it ever happen? In the best case scenario, you can trade ill-fitting jawns and find great harmony and satisfaction when the other person pulls them off flawlessly. There’s no reason to keep your failures between you and mirror. Share them with a friend.
Dec 7, 2021
i needed new clothes, like i absolutely have no clothes to run an errand in or go out in. I just have chill at home clothes that have stains and holes in them maybe tmi but im on the internet to be free. Anyway you could go thrifting alone but it’s always better to have a second opinion on stuff or in my case have someone choose stuff for you because you’re an absolute basket case and can’t sort or look through stuff and decipher what is cute / what will fit or not.
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Top Recs from @kevvymetal

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think about it... incredibly nutritious, more vitamin c than oranges (!!) widely available and affordable so easy to prepare, you can literally steam them in the microwave and delicious! esp when roasted, i linked an easy recipe :) plus they look like cute little trees and you can pretend that you're a brachiosaurus or some shit munching on them greens straight up goated vegetable
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I filed a complaint with a bunch of receipts to my city's rent board last month after my landlord notified me of another increase, and turns out she was in violation of increasing rent within 12 months following a previous rent increase The city just told my landlord to reimburse me the excess rent, and my current rent must remain in place until next March for her to be in compliance (she wanted to raise it another 10% in October lol)
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