I’m trying out natural dyes and its so much fun. Taking very meticulous notes on my processes and results :) a good habit i’ve developed through glaze testing for ceramics that i am now applying to everything i do research/testing with. feeling like a little diy chemist
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Apr 3, 2024

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whenever i'm learning abt something fun (art project, diy house stuff, recipes) i write a note explaining it to myself & it's like i have a magical recipe book full of all of the things ive learned to do - most recently, lots of sewing tips & tricks 😎
Jul 24, 2024
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Recently I bought a little pack of palm-sized notebooks in an effort to be more “analog” with my notes and thoughts (pretentious, I know). With a world of increasing options, I’ve found I am all over the place with my notes. I have some in Apple Notes, some in Notion, a few in other random apps I’ve accumulated over the years, and I’m sure others in places I forget. For the past month I’ve used these handwritten notebooks and it’s like something finally clicked for me. Just a quick jot away, I’ve got a pad filled and another started, with drawings/diagrams of ideas for projects and little notes I want to be able to look back on. Just make sure if you do this you pair those notebooks with some muji pens or your preferred writing tool for the ultimate experience.
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Sorry but getting a good glass or little tchotchke from a bar is the most fulfilling exhilarating experience
Feb 23, 2024
this is a rule i like to employ for myself, as a chronic procrastinator, mostly in regards to my knitting but also for many other things in life: job applications, finishing a book, framing something, etc. These things become big projects in our mind, in need of completion, usually making them into these large and daunting monsters! The shame and guilt we put our ourselves and our procrastinations is so toxic and unhelpful, so instead of having these things sitting around reminding us of our inability to complete them, just get rid of it entirely. Put the project away, completely out of sight, throw our the little craft, put the book on the bookshelf. these time limits are not meant to apply pressure or increase urgency but like an expiration date, like closing all your tabs on your computer but IRL. If i’ve had a project sitting around unfinished for more than a couple months, a year, etc. no matter how much I like it and know i could finish it, i take it apart, throw it out, whatever. if it is meant to be you can always start it again, from a place of mental clarity and renewed enthusiasm! Don’t add it to your physical and mental load, just get rid of it 💖
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When i was a freshman in college and everyone was still on facebook my new friend pointed out that my relationship status on there said divorced… something i must have done when i was 14 and thought it was so funny. so i am divorce
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