like i hate social media i want to touch grass with my friends and be barefoot in space but it’s just so intertwined with interactions now and the power to connect & build relationships with people so far away is incredible and really important for us continuing to understand eachother better i like that i can do that i wish we could all travel more and do this in real life that way but that’s not real is it it’s really a double edged sword. i think it’s just the way shits gonna be moving forward and we have to figure out ways to have the healthiest relationships we can with it

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I’ve been feeling very conflicted about influence of social media on my life and my well-being. I often want to drop it all and disappear, more often in a rather spontaneous urge. It doesn’t make it any easier that using social media is an essential part of my professional skill, even if I abandon my personal social media account - i would still have to use it every day. I had an analogy the other day that using social media is like social drinking… it doesn’t make me an alcoholic if I do it once in a while but it’s an easy gateway to become one doing it for social purposes. the thing is, I absolutely prefer to continue using social media for social purposes. I really value my friends and I want to stay in touch. I genuinely like seeing what my friends are sharing about their daily life. I feel grateful when someone shares a funny video with me, as it means they were thinking of me. Is it all bad for me to be using social media? Not really. Do I wish there’s an alternative way to stay connected with my friends other than consuming algorithm and advertising recommendations? Absolutely.
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leaves you susceptible to dating someone for too long because they play a role rather than it being about who they are. if you go in open to every situation, it will play out as its supposed to naturally (sometimes with a little nudge)
literally every single series has been great so far except BOS/MIA & CLE/ORL. we really in for a treat
go drink some right now it’s good for your body and skin and has magical healing properties when consumed at the right times. currently it’s helping me beat a hangover