do y’all ever think about getting off social media but then you worry about how you’ll keep in touch with your friends? i’ve been thinking about this a lot bc i wanna delete ig but it’s where i talk to some of my rly close friends. i hate that it monopolizes connection like that. but i also had this realization that like the people i follow/follow me on ig are not “friends” they’re just superficial connections. real, deep, long meaningful relationships (which i’m craving) i think do require me to get the fuck offline and take the time i was mindlessly scrolling and putting it back into myself or my friends is where i’ll see the greatest positive feedback. and being PRESENT in those relationships. i feel like this is what that book the dopamine generation is about butttttt haven’t read it yet.
Feb 4, 2025

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If they’re genuine connections like close friends and family you most likely communicate mainly via text/whatsapp. IG is really just for doom scrolling, curating your life, and impression management. I‘ve kept it for doom scrolling and supporting my partners business but that’s about it, anything else is on email/text/call/facetime. Social media isn’t a necessity
Feb 5, 2025
I deleted my instagram like 2 years ago and had this same thought. I would say my circle of friends is smaller now, but not sure I could have really called it that before tbh. Main thing I learned was that friendships take effort, the folks I liked the most stayed and those that didn’t, I only see from time to time which is ok. I am very glad I did it, getting straight the reasons you want to will make the experience better :)
Feb 5, 2025

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once i got realistic about what type of content i consumed on ig and twitter, i realized so quickly it was not expanding the way i think and in fact was keeping me stuck in the same (oftentimes negative/harmful) thought loopholes. social media is addictive in part because it algorithmically reproduces the way we already think. it keeps us comfortable. start questioning: what can help expand your life? what other creative and consumptive outlets do you find fulfilling? is there a book you want to read? something you want to draw or write about? or, in general, consider how your older self would have wanted your time to be spent. you are so right that social media makes us feel Bad-- but we don't have to! it is an act of self-care and deep love to work on stepping away from things that hurt! as far as practical tips, the best things that helped me were: a) like some others mentioned, deleting ALL social media apps from my phone so i can only access them on my computer. this helps because the online interfaces are a lot clunkier so it reduces some of the quick gratification that keeps you addicted. also you have to be literally sitting at a desk to use it, so the portability aspect/mindless scrolling is largely removed. b) keeping a journal because it's a much safer space to dump thoughts than a private story c) prioritizing in-person connection rather than mediating relationships through tech-- meet a friend for coffee! cultivate intimacy rather than superficiality, and notice how irl vs. online connection feels different d) nervous system regulation and grounding practices to counteract how scrolling can make you anxious/stressed/disembodied! finally i did struggle a lot with fomo and being behind on trends at first but then i realized it doesn't really matter. trends are fleeting. even without chronic online-ness i am still funny and relatable and i find it much more interesting to hear about people's lives when i haven't been informed about them in an endless information stream online!!
Oct 31, 2024
Generally speaking, I wanna reorganize the way I use the internet. I wanna participate and interact with people. I feel like on Instagram I’ve been worrying too much about the mystique I create for myself, like I’m constantly advertising myself. It feels icky and I’m ready to give it up.
Dec 30, 2024
Honestly deleting social media (especially instagram) has widen my capacity for new Real world things in so many ways. Being more creative, having more original ideas, honestly just more time To think!!! I think the first month was an adjustment because it was like a dopamine cleanse, lots of overthinking and feelings of intense boredom A lot of the things projected onto me I realized were not even insecurities of my own but harbored in my brain because of tiktok/instagram I did worry about having FOMO and not seeing what my friends were up to but I can also just text them and ask ??? I feel like instagram especially is a very PASSIVE and superficial way of connecting with people. I definitely feel like my social circle decreased exponentially without it but for the better 🧍‍♀️

Top Recs from @chronicwebuser

cinnamon roll or brown maple sugar oatmeal with: - slivered almonds* - walnuts - chia seeds - ground flax meal - berries 🍓🫐 *i recognize this is an allergy for you PS don’t ever buy apple cinnamon oatmeal, just trust me it’s NOT good
could be sooooo many different reasons that this happens everybody is different but ultimately we want the same thing. connection and feeling wanted. there’s also people who can’t be alone, sometimes this is referred to as codependency lmao! some people just want a physical distraction to keep them from ruminating on their break up. we’re all a little twisted!
i yearn to find someone who finds beauty in the mundane like …. look at that weird shadow, the gleam of the sun today, this song i’m really excited about, my everyday oatmeal (peaseant porridge) 🥣 🫐 training your mind body soul to find the present and stay there, that’s mind over matter, it’s magic, can you do magic?
I care about where people get their matcha lattes !! even if it’s in a small town or a whole other country that i will never get the chance to visit. i love a pretty OR crappy picture of a drink, and any additional little details even more too, like if they make it as sweet as you’d like it, or you have a crush on the barista, or you have a bizarre backstory attached to it, or they have a special seasonal flavor you wait all year for… i think the perhaps seemingly mundane stuff on here is great !! :)