ever since exchanging my instagram scrolling session right after waking up for opening my window and trying to identify what kind of bird is chirping outside my life has improved drastically. this app has singlehandedly got me actively trying to see More Birds. i've been a user for about 6 months now and so far i have caught 57 different species. i have purchased a pair of binoculars. i love birds.
Apr 3, 2024

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i really enjoy this app and its multitude of ways to ID birds. You can submit photos, audio files, or just peruse "likely birds" for any location. my job requires me to know a decent amount about birds, but this app has flattened my learning curve. before this i was just taking pictures of birds and asking people on IG
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yo i forget who recommended the merlin bird ID app but i spent hours today IDing bird song on my porch and loved every second of it. thanks to whoever it was!!
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literally why not get a bird feeder and log what birds you see coming to it? I can tell apart so many birds now, and I'm trying to be able to tell apart their calls. speaking of, merlin bird ID lets you record audio and it identifies calls in real time! plus, logging on ebird gives scientists information about birds that helps them learn more bird stuff! Im not an ornithologist if you can't tell, I just love these tiny (and sometimes not tiny) creatures we share this beautiful planet with

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seeing a movie on a huge screen (as most directors intended it to be seen) and just indulging in approximately 2 hours of pure uninterrupted escapism without anyone to worry about (plus supporting your local cinema at the same time). works best with "slow" films where the scenes linger. total bliss.
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i don't know who needs to hear this (me. i need to hear this. i wrote this rec for me.) but late-stage capitalism influencers reaaaally want you to believe you need to have this whole grand 15-step skincare routine with all the little gadgets and gizmos or you are doing something fundamentally wrong. hear me out here - you are fine. the only thing they are contributing to is the ever-growing need to consume and the systematic destruction of your skin barrier. as long as you wash your face regularly and put on some sunscreen every morning, the rest is mostly just for the vibes.
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