literally why not get a bird feeder and log what birds you see coming to it? I can tell apart so many birds now, and I'm trying to be able to tell apart their calls. speaking of, merlin bird ID lets you record audio and it identifies calls in real time! plus, logging on ebird gives scientists information about birds that helps them learn more bird stuff! Im not an ornithologist if you can't tell, I just love these tiny (and sometimes not tiny) creatures we share this beautiful planet with
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it is theeee most fun!!! I looove Merlin!
Feb 27, 2025

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i really enjoy this app and its multitude of ways to ID birds. You can submit photos, audio files, or just peruse "likely birds" for any location. my job requires me to know a decent amount about birds, but this app has flattened my learning curve. before this i was just taking pictures of birds and asking people on IG
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recently, when I wake up in the morning and have time to kill, I've been spending a bit of time reading before or after I get myself ready to go about the day instead of sitting on my phone when I first wake up. I feel like it helps clear my mind for the day and it feels nice to not immediately scroll when I wake up like I used to
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"yap" about the things that interest you all you want; enjoy your hobbies and pour your heart into them, stop worrying about if what you're into is "cringe"; if your friends don't like your hobbies/interests and put you down for enjoying them, find people that will; surround yourself with people you love who love you back and you will be so much happier than the people that are so quick to put others down for pursuing their happiness