when i was in middle school i read this book and the main character listened exclusively to movie soundtracks because it makes them feel like they’re in a movie and that one really struck a chord within me and i’ve been a movie/tv/video game soundtrack devotee since, here are some favorites: -moonlight -if beale street could talk -fantastic mr.fox -the place between the pines -arrival -the goldfinch -the imitation game -little ms sunshine -amnesia: a machine for pigs -arrival -the leftovers -nocturnal animals -succession -the shape of water also drop recs if you have them🙏🙏
Apr 4, 2024

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listening to a movie soundtrack on vinyl is so sick because all of the intentionality of putting a record on, playing it, flipping it, etc. in tandem with the intentional composition of a movie soundtrack for certain scenes and the arc of the film in general makes you feel like you're in a movie for the run of the record. my personal favorites: - shaft (isaac hayes, 1971) - superfly (curtis mayfield, 1972) - the social network (trent reznor + atticus ross, 2010 – they also did the challengers soundtrack!) bonus: if your life is a movie (fr) i think getting past the "poser" anxiety and just buying your favorite albums on vinyl and listening to them as the soundtrack for your life brings the same vibe. for me: - time traveler + wagenmuzik (gum.mp3) - room 25 + telefone (noname) - ctrl (sza) - starboy (the weeknd) - the misseducation of lauryn hill (lauryn hill) - what's goin' on (marvin gaye) - channel orange (frank ocean) ...among others bonus bonus: jazz. miles davis, duke ellington, stevie wonder, sun ra, pick your poison
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automatically gives whatever you are doing a narrative arc. like u are full on following the hero's journey while cutting onions. i especially recommend the vertigo soundtrack or any soundtrack by ennio morricone but u can choose w/e depending on your mood.
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