i will never be in a situationship in the same way i will never be in the land of oz--it's just not real. i think using the word doesn't let you self-reflect in a way that is truly helpful. i was telling my friend about the awkwardness of seeing an exhook up in a relationship bc i thought we had mutual feelings and she said "oh your exsituationship" and i thought (for the first time) no, we had clear boundaries i just got my hopes up. my point is that instead of using situationship as a catch-all for not quite dating or wtv failed prospect, take it as a moment to reflect on what exactly went wrong. idk if this is profound or not
Jan 30, 2025

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Denial go crazy
Jan 30, 2025
i see what you mean but like someone else said, we tend to add labels to things outside the binary. with that said, i think itā€™s an easy, go-to term to describe a situation with someone where itā€™s exactly as you described - boundaries were set but you had your hopes up, while of course without having to explain in embarrassing detail what those boundaries were and what you decided to believe having been in that same situation and speaking from personal experience, i can say the word itself is telling of what the situation is and what needs to be worked on (if the word is being used right) and was used to mask my shame and failure to admit my faults from being in that situation, i learned how to set boundaries for myself and also how to respect them and know what i want and donā€™t want. i think thatā€™s what a lot of people lack and what results in a ā€œsituationshipā€ but i donā€™t think the term itself prohibits anyone from reflecting. if anything, it could play a part in that healing and learning process
Jan 30, 2025
every time i see this word used i think about how i once saw someone say ā€œif u call someone ur situationship they probably donā€™t call u anythingā€œ & it holds true every time. on top of reflection, if itā€™s ongoing there needs to be actual communication happening.. maybe not every time but more often than not i find when people i know use this word, there never is, so ā€œsituationshipā€ gets thrown around bc everyone involved is refusing to try and establish the ā€œsituationā€œ and thats sad to me! be w someone who either wants you or at least will be clear about what they want
Jan 30, 2025
Building off what you said, I also think we have very black/white thinking of relationships, so we need to create labels for things that fall outside the binary. I donā€™t believe there are any ā€œrulesā€ so long as you communicate, set clear boundaries, and continue to be honest with yourself about what you want/expect ā€” and sometimes being honest with yourself is the hardest part! I have friends who started as something physical or romantic, and sometimes we will still hold hands or make out or cuddle, but itā€™s because we have the emotional safety and vulnerability to talk about what we want and how we feel. But thatā€™s easier for me now in my 30s than it was earlier in my life.
Jan 30, 2025
i believe that it is a good thing to avoid using internet lingo for your actual life
Jan 30, 2025

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