Basically just one long conversation over the course of a dinner. Written by and starring the 🐐Wally Shawn, and directed by Louis Malle. So good.
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Directed by Louise Malle and starring Wallace Shawn and Andre Gregory, figures in NYC's 1980's experimental theatre scene The movie is built on the premise of a singular conversation between two old friends as they catch up on their lives and beliefs over dinner --- For all my monologue heavy independent cinema lovers out there, this one's for you <3
Jan 21, 2024
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Still thinking about this documentary which eeyore and I saw a few months ago in theaters. From the legendary documentarian Frederick Wiseman (who is 94 years old), is a beautiful 4 hour behind the scenes glimpse into on the inner workings of a 3 Michelin star restaurant owned by the Troisgois family. Located in the idyllic countryside of central France, Wiseman chronicles the dynamics between the family; from father Michel and sons Cesar and Leo deciding on the finest details of the placement of gold foil on a dish, to the procurement of produce and meats from local producers, and the elite processes of their prep and service. The documentary is hilarious at times, with a server setting the table and adjusting the fork probably 6 times, it does not hide the absurdity of this level of fine dining. There is no music, naaration or on screen text, which makes you really feel like you are a fly on the wall, but it is never boring. While I know I will probably never be able to afford this type of meal, this film was beautiful to watch and was a great look into the artistry and insane obsessive passion that people have for food, cooking and service.
Feb 5, 2024
Every time I watch I cry in an ugly fulfilling way. Margo Martindale is Mwa Mwa chefs kiss. This is a perfect bit of art I reckon.
Jan 29, 2024

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