After weaning myself from an increasingly enshittified Amazon (or trying to!) I remembered I had an eBay account and have been finding a lot of good deals on hiking and outdoor gear. Most of this stuff is really well made but expensive to begin with, and a lot of people sell hiking clothes they never used or that don't fit them anymore so you can buy them for a fraction of their original cost (and can in turn sell them on eBay yourself once they no longer fit you ... the cycle of life continues!) A pro tip is to limit your searches to fixed price/"Buy It Now" sales and add anything that captures your eye to your watch list. Most of the time — like 90% in my experience — the seller will message you an offer for an additional 10% or 15% off your purchase, making it an even better deal, and you don't have to worry about some jerk sniping something you've had your heart set on with a last minute bid that's bigger than yours. You save money, old clothing doesn't wind up in landfills, and you're not supporting Amazon anymore. Everybody wins!
Apr 8, 2024

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