Shared eclipse glasses with all of the ppl at my Gramma's retirement home. was joined by so many lovely people. everyone was wowed by the sun n moon!! and it reminded me that sharing is caring esp sharing an experience with other humans <3
edit: figured out u can edit things so here’s Gramma :)
I am changed. I totally understand why people travel miles and miles for 3 minutes of totality. The most beautiful, strange, and wondrous thing I’ve ever seen. I’m getting choked up just thinking about it.
even when you think it’s not worth it, because you saw one a few years ago anyway… you still should watch the eclipse because space is always cool but more importantly how neat is it to share in the collective awe of something beautiful
it’s stupid and perfect and lowkey one of the greatest movies of all time. it’s fun !! it’s california! we’re surfing and skydiving and robbing banks! what more can you ask for!!
i have 9 out right now and in no world am i finishing all 9 of them (including a 500 page oral history of the soviet union and like a 550 page one about the manson murders). but i really love checking books out, really satisfies some sort of innate consumer impulse in me. and i love having books around me.