it’s stupid and perfect and lowkey one of the greatest movies of all time. it’s fun !! it’s california! we’re surfing and skydiving and robbing banks! what more can you ask for!!
hard agree, plus the added bonus that keanu in this movie was the first time i realised people weren't just joking when they said they found men attractive
its the best movie ever. if u ever have movie night w a bunch of ppl and cant choose what to watch this is the movie. I’ve made like 7 different groups of ppl watch it when we couldn’t decide and it’s always a hit. Xo
holy fuck. this movie is out of control. the lead belongs in a porno. everything explodes. bikers. leather. mafia. main guy has a monitor lizard and embodies fake cool so beautifully. every actor in this movie put their whole pussy into it aside from the main guy, and its hilarious.
Emilio Esteves in an endlessly quotable 80s movie for surburban white punks. Think SLC punk with the absurdism cranked up. A great time with friends.
Regular fucking people man.
i have 9 out right now and in no world am i finishing all 9 of them (including a 500 page oral history of the soviet union and like a 550 page one about the manson murders). but i really love checking books out, really satisfies some sort of innate consumer impulse in me. and i love having books around me.