If they’re not making me come to the local library to prove I actually live in that city, you better believe I’m signing up to get that city’s library card and (probably) getting my ebooks and audiobooks that much faster
I’m moving soon and I have so many more important things to do but the only thing I’ve done is this. Look at how cute she is
get a card even if you’re not sure you’ll ever go! they’re free and getting a card lets your local gov’t know that the library is worth funding!
Changed my life. Can pull up a digital version of any book I'm reading anywhere (like on my laptop in class😈) completely free. Free audiobooks. Upped my literary consumption by at least 75%. Lots of TV and movies too. Unsubscribe from your streaming service. Save $15. Get a library card.
You get free printing, subscriptions to tons of newspapers, sometimes even free Adobe??? And lol ... free books, movies and more. Libraries will save us. Get your card!!
A master at writing genre fiction as literary fiction. Multiple narratives, stellar characters, a time-hopping, pre- and post-apocalyptic plot, and a killer miniseries adaptation to watch once you’re finished
I only saw her perform twice, but I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone else live more than once (though I obviously would like to see a lot of them live again). At least I can say one of the times I saw her was her very first US performance 🥹💔