I’m limiting myself to 10 to be sensible and these are subject to frequent and unpredictable change. Tried to do a range of genres and a few well beloved directors. I hope you find as much joy in cinema as I have! Howls Moving Castle - when you say you’ve seen nothing, does this mean no ghibli? There’s a whole load of Studio Ghibli films that are amazing, this is my comfort Film. Jennifer’s Body - essential bisexual cult cinema. never met a man who likes it, never met a woman who doesn’t It Follows - possibly my favourite ever horror movie. Four Lions - Probably my favourite comedy ever, very British, very brilliant Arrival - one of only two times a film has given me the feeling of the sublime in the same way seeing the alps did.(the other one is The Green Knight, consider this a sneaky Rec for that too) Beautiful sci-fi. The Virgin Suicides - Arguably Sofia Coppola’s best film. The Big Lebowski - my favourite Coen Brother’s film (I have Maud tattooed on me). fun and hugely well loved. Only Lovers Left Alive - Jim Jarmusch is a must watch director, this and Paterson are my faves. Tilda Swinton and TI’m Hiddleston play sexy vampires. Ocean’s 11 - very vocal about my love for heist films, and this is the cream of the crop
Apr 10, 2024

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when i said i’ve seen nothing, that does absolutely not apply to studio ghibli (or jennifer’s body, for that matter)! you have great taste and i will add all the rest of these to my wall list
Apr 11, 2024
sophia4mayor I’m really happy to hear that your life hasn’t been devoid of the joy of ghibli! Let me know if you watch any and what you think!
Apr 11, 2024
The world needs more good heist movies!!! I love when a team needs to be assembled
Apr 11, 2024
gus I fucking love a heist, theclack did a heist film ask (I cannot link to it cause links don’t seem to work on my phone), but if you go through his likes you’ll find it and there’s loads of heist recs, including my own (quite lengthy if I say so myself) heist film list!
Apr 11, 2024
I wanna watch Jenifer’s Body
Apr 11, 2024
chlonline do it do it do it it’s basically what I always say is my favourite film
Apr 11, 2024
also great great list
Apr 10, 2024
ahh four lions classicc british cinema!!!
Apr 10, 2024
tiff it’s so so good and it makes me laugh out loud, and I also quite like that I feel there’d be lots of people who aren’t British who’s watch it and be like what the fuck is this supposed to be funny hahaha
Apr 10, 2024

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