it feels a little controversial to share this rec on a platform that rides heavy on positivity and kindness (which I’m in favor of) but let’s be honest being a hater is deeply satisfying and when harnessed accordingly can even be productive.
being a hater — when channeled accordingly — can position you to use whatever gift or talent the universe (or god, or whatever higher power you believe in) placed upon you, and make a tangible thing out of it.
if Kendrick Lamar has taught us anything it‘s that being a hater can get you so far you’ll end up winning Grammys for it. Sometimes, pettiness IS the way forward. stay consistent with it. Ten toes down.
being a hater will have your enemies go into hiding while folk in Portugal or South Africa (which I’ve witnessed in real time) are blasting and yelling in unison ‘… A MINOR’
if there’s one thing I’ve learned from living in America is I need to be a hater to survive. Especially after this past month.
We got a long 4 years ahead of us and we’re gonna need this idea of being a hater as part of our skillset to fuel us into taking action and shaking shit up.
At the end of the day. Being a hater I believe is just as imperative as it is to being a lover. I think the real challenge is finding balance.
ps. I just found out that ‘Not Like Us’ has exactly 101 beats per minute which makes the right tempo for hands only CPR. So there you have it. Being a hater can also save a life.