youā€™ll never be this young againā€¦ The never ending extensional crisis and dread of your early twenties, the part which they donā€™t tell you about.Ā  When suddenly everyone expects you to have it all figured out, yet also seems to understand no one has it figured out in their 20s. Young adulthood becomes a constant paradox, A line between maturity and naivety so finely toed,Ā  A time when you know everything and nothing at all,Ā  Life will never be this clear and confusing again.Ā  Iā€™d like to exist within the chaos here forever, itā€™s a comfortable disaster,Ā  A place in time where nothing has to make sense for it to mean everything.
Apr 14, 2024

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Life is fucking confusing, and every want comes with a doubt. As far as I can tell, your 20s (Iā€™m 27) are about cobbling together a life while wondering if you should blow it all up. And then someday, hopefully, you fall in love with yourself (or something) and that love becomes a foundation for everything else. I know people who have built things up and torn them down, people who have made irrevocable choices, people who are coasting. I want all of their lives, sometimes, because Iā€™m sick of the choices I made. I think thatā€™s just fear of commitment, and not taking good care of myselfā€”but who knows, maybe Iā€™m about to make some choices for the plot. The people who seem to have it all figured out may be crumbling beneath the surface (me irl). The ones I trust the most know how to look around and say ā€œthere but for the grace of god go I.ā€ Youā€˜re never too old to let whatever youā€™ve been collecting slip through your fingers and choose again.
Jul 11, 2024
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First of all, this is definitely normal and youā€™re absolutely not alone in it. But I think you may be ascribing self-actualization and self-assuredness to those a few years younger than you a little too hastily. People who had their middle-school years disrupted by the pandemic also dealt with/continue to deal with the effects of missing out on formative social and personal development, all the while with less developed brains! Not to mention the people youā€™re seeing are the ones out at shows, not the ones staying home with social anxiety or panic attacks. So although it may seem from your observation that people in this age range are doing just great, it sounds like youā€™re comparing yourself to a skewed group through an internalized lens of cultural bias towards youth ā€“ quite a combo. And thatā€™s just not being fair to yourself. The fact that you are getting back out there is big and needs to be acknowledged. Instead, youā€™re positively projecting and amplifying, i.e., seeing in them what you are having trouble finding in yourself. But it is in there ā€“ the proof is that youā€™re showing up. Same thing for self-expression ā€“ have you seen your own pfp? You seem cool af! Because of the pandemic, youā€™ve had a unique and unfortunate generational experience of this ā€œarrested developmentā€, but this also creates an opportunity to further the paradigm shift that royallmonarch focused on in his lovely essay. Societal expectations based around age are out; living your life on your own timeline is in. Life happens; shit happens. But youā€™re getting through it and youā€™re doing great. Youth/very young adults who make their youth their personality are actually boring people. Adults who pine about their younger days are also boring. Donā€™t be either! And if it makes you feel any better, I was at my peak ā€œrecklessā€ right at your age; I got a ā€œlateā€ start. You have so much time to keep doing fun stuff and most importantly, to figure out what you like and donā€™t like. Iā€™m in my 30s and Iā€™m going to a friendā€™s rave tomorrow. Ok, itā€™s a well-organized, well-curated event and not some shit-show in the bush, but still. Itā€™s not over for me! Another night, Iā€™ll stay home and pet my cats. Either way, Iā€™m doing whatever the fuck I want. People take up painting or whatever in their 80s. The sooner you get on that vibe, the better. Ok go have fun!
Jul 11, 2024
the idea that you can only fuck up and express and be beautiful and destructive and explorative and constructive in your youth is simply a myth. you are going to continue to fuck up and you are going to continue to blossom. there's no linear path and structure on that. even people in their 50's completely change their entire lives. nothing is fixed and there is no path to follow. your life isn't over until it's over. this narrative that once you start to age you can no longer explore and express is an oppressive, capitalist, and intentional one. also, it's just not true. your responsibility doesn't have to be boring or restrictive. the reason why you become more responsible is because you actually care about yourself. irresponsibility isn't the same as freedom. irresponsibility can be "fun" but also destroys you. having more responsibilities to keep yourself safe and cared for isn't the antithesis to fun and life and expression. your feelings make sense though. in college it's easier to meet people and try new things. but ease doesn't translate to quality or longevity or intrigue. but funny enough, there are 30 year olds now that probably feel the exact same way about you as you feel about the people slightly younger than you. there is no such thing as free years in terms of spirit. expression and exploration is available in all forms at all ages. there are always places to go, hikes to walk, friends to laugh with, mistakes to make, good food to eat, art to create, fights to have, things to fail at, lessons to be learned, and love to be felt. you're only 23. you're about to enter a new chapter of your life where you will fuck up and you will have stories to tell, adventure to explore, feelings to express, and people to love. and that is something that will always be true.
Jul 11, 2024

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