Up until recently, I’ve always struggled with winding down & being extremely intentional about actively deciding to go to sleep.
I used to take a lot of pride in being able to just stay up for as long as possible while being able to run on little to no sleep, so sleep was very much something I saw as a product of pure exhaustion – to sleep only when I’m truly exhausted and have done everything that needed to get done!
As soon as I turned 25, my body felt like it took a screenshot & it all caught up with me. Now I am the World’s Sleepiest Coziest Girl and I look very forward to getting in my pajamas, hitting the melatonin, turning on my sound machine and having the most insane dreams imaginable 🫶🏾 (Bonus points if I remember to make myself a cup of tea beforehand)
The ritual of getting ready for bed is honestly still something I’m trying to get better at – less screentime, more leisure – but that’s a mission for another day. Until then, GOOD NIGHT ❤️