Every day, more movies become unavailable to stream. For less than $5 each you can ensure that O Brother Where Art Thou, Billy Elliot, and Stick It are available to watch any time you want.
Apr 15, 2024

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Over the last few years, I’ve started to purchase DVDs at the thrift store whenever I find a favorite or one I’ve been meaning to watch. They’re always super duper cheap (I’m talking a buck a pop) and it’s easy to check they’re in good condition. Now I can always have my fave movies and shows on deck because eff’ these greeding streaming services 🖕🏽
Feb 10, 2025
Feb 7, 2024
The world's tough place. There's lots of movies I want to see and because of the dumbest corporate reasons, lots of times they're unavailable or only available to buy on a streaming service. At that point I'd rather just get a blu-ray (s/o walmart dot com and the kino lorber sale...) but if I can't find one, or if it's $50, I'll straight up just see if it's avail to watch on youtube or through the internet archive and a lot of times it is. The quality might not be great, but that's okay. It's important to not get what you want sometimes in life. (Elaine May's A New Leaf, Scorsese's Kundun, Todd Solondz' Happiness, Akira Kuroswa's Dreams, Joseph L. Mankiewicz's Sleuth etc. etc.)
Jun 19, 2023

Top Recs from @lilsolano

I’ve done this every time I’ve found myself between full time jobs and it really makes the whole time better. You have a little money coming in and you can collect material for your future memoir. Some odd jobs from my past: Axe throwing coach Closet designer Lunch catering delivery Balloon bouquet maker Background extra i found them on big job boards like indeed and also Craigslist (Searching “part time” gets you less garbage results). If you hate it after you start you can just quit! Also if you like pets, signing up for dog walking or petsitting will keep you active and you get to hang out with pets.
Apr 19, 2024
I love doing this, it’s wonderfully disorienting. Theres still so much day left afterwards it’s basically a whole new day, like an optical illusion, but of time.
Jun 16, 2024
Shopping cart with a bad wheel. Sock slipping down your shoe. The day after you burn your tongue when it’s still all sensitive. An eye twitch. bad toilet paper (thin, scratchy). clothing tag that itches. Really strong static shock that makes you jump. getting perfume in your mouth.
Apr 17, 2024