Over the last few years, I’ve started to purchase DVDs at the thrift store whenever I find a favorite or one I’ve been meaning to watch. They’re always super duper cheap (I’m talking a buck a pop) and it’s easy to check they’re in good condition. Now I can always have my fave movies and shows on deck because eff’ these greeding streaming services 🖕🏽
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Feb 10, 2025

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You have some incredible picks !!!
Feb 10, 2025

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Every day, more movies become unavailable to stream. For less than $5 each you can ensure that O Brother Where Art Thou, Billy Elliot, and Stick It are available to watch any time you want.
Apr 15, 2024
I have a fair amount of dvds and vhs tapes from when I was a kid. They rarely get used but every once and a while something has been taken down on streaming or I want to watch at the highest quality regardless of WiFi or otherwise. As the world moves more toward the internet, the temperature gets hotter, AI uses more and more water, and CEOs cancel or delete things for tax purposes it is important to OWN what you love and keep what you want to keep. Thrift shops and goodwills are great for regaining a collection of older movies you want to keep around and then try to buy the new ones as they come out. I think personally it’s not about a completely filled out collection of EVERYTHING just things you care about. And also rent stuff from the library! can’t keep it but if you don’t want to have streaming or anything. that’s how I used to binge watch tv shows in the summer when I was like 11.
Jan 22, 2025

Top Recs from @greenfriedrice

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My eldest kitty Moose was rescued through a foster network I was volunteering with, he is a very good goofy boy and I love his little “antlers” on his forehead! My youngest kitty Lady Bug (the space between “Lady” and “Bug” is important as her noble title should always be addressed), is only a few months old but so brave and cuddly! Her little grinch hairs behind her ears are my fave.
Jan 18, 2025
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In 2024, I experienced grief in all of its stages. Fundamentally it changed me - for better or worse? I’m working on that with my therapist. I found myself listening to this song *a lot* throughout the year. Maybe it was the vulnerable and relatable lyrics mashed up with a uplifting melody, but something about the final lines… *“It's that little souvenir of a colorful year Which makes me smile inside”* … always got to me. Hopeful, might be the feeling. Especially since it’s the only point in the song that she doesn’t reference it as a terrible year. To me it felt like she wanted autonomy over how she wanted her song, her story on the year to end. She defines it, rather than it defines her. You can’t control when grief happens to you, but you can control how you decide to navigate through it. Maybe, just maybe, I could look back at my grief and let it go.
Jan 22, 2025
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My final sculpture for my Ceramics 100 class I took at my local community college! The prompt was to make it a specific size and to use multiple texture techniques, otherwise free reign. I’m particularly fond of this beast and the texture/sculpting I did inside the flower. P.S. CC’s are an AMAZING resource for affordable access to creative hobbies/instruction.
Jan 18, 2025