I find myself lingering, in front of the sun drenched window feeling my body glow gold in the languid warmth, under the sweet shade of a magnolia flower - encumbered by its beauty - in the shower for just a bit too long, pittering pattering weaving in and out thoughts that circle and circle endlessly until they scatter away like the little drops jumping off of my arms in a free fall. I don't leave until the water has its fill of me. There's a clock inside, or not a clock, a phrase or phase that sets the motion of each act. I try to hold every moment as long as possible or it slips away. why is life so fleeting? The more I do the less there is. Less flyaway cast shadows that peer off of my body, the obstruction basking in a heated glow. Less time for my thoughts to finish their race and half jog back exhausted but satisfied. Satisfied. Am i satisfied?
Apr 16, 2024

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this is great!! i like the stream of consciousness flow to it and how easily i can place myself in your thoughts :)))
Apr 16, 2024

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hell naw: post sex pf.fyi​
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